ISCA announces new partnerships with Manly Warringah Football Association (MWFA) & Manly United (MU)

Ian Evans

Capitalising on the enormous growth of football throughout Australia, the International College of Management Sydney (ICMS) have announced a dynamic partnership between their new high performance sports business program ISCA & one of the largest football associations in NSW.
Manly Warringah Football Association (MWFA) & Manly United (MU) will partner with the International Sports College Australia (ISCA) to assist in the promotion and development of education offerings aimed at aspiring athletes seeking to balance their higher education studies whilst playing sport.
This is a fantastic opportunity for young football players looking to dedicate time to their pursuit of a professional football career while ensuring they have a back-up plan for their future.
MWFA, MU and ISCA announced the partnership at this week’s official ISCA Launch, with all organisations mutually committed to enhancing education, community and employment outcomes in Sydney’s Northern Beaches.
The partnership will see increased student experiences ranging from internships and game day opportunities, as well as access to the coaching and management staff from both football organisations.
ISCA students will be given opportunities to study a diploma-level sports qualifications, with a pathway to enrol into an ICMS degree upon successful completion.
Manly United Head Coach Paul Dee said the partnership would allow for mutually beneficial collaborations between the organisations, with a shared commitment and emphasis on educating young athletes within the Northern Beaches.
“This is a fantastic opportunity for young football players looking to dedicate time to their pursuit of a professional football career while ensuring they have a back-up plan for their future and I’m sure a number of young Manly United players would benefit greatly from the new course,” said Dee.
Manly Warringah Football Association President Jeff Smit echoed Dee’s sentiments, saying the innovative initiative would be of invaluable assistance to young athletes seeking to increase their sporting and academic options.
“The Manly Warringah Football Association has 18,000 members and this is a wonderful chance for young players to be able to commit to an education at a highly regarded Northern Beaches College with a view to a career in sports administration while training to improve their football,” Smit said.
“The MWFA fully supports the International Sports College Australia and encourages young football players looking for a career in sports administration to enrol.”
ISCA General Manager Ian Evans said the launch of the new program was a great opportunity for his new program to assist with the development of young athletes through education, mentoring and providing a strong foundation for future growth=, be it sporting, employment of further study.
“Our ISCA students will continue to have exclusive access to industry training placements, as well as opportunities to work alongside staff across all aspects of the club,” Evans said.
“Students and staff will benefit from not only internship opportunities but also the experience of game day preparation, athlete monitoring and research and top-level coaching. ”
For further information, contact ISCA at [email protected] or call (02) 9977 0333