Switch up your recovery this Spring

Ian Evans

As we move into spring and the weather starts to warm up, and with restrictions slowly easing, there is even more reason to get outside and get moving. It has been a tough journey for many athletes this year with the disruptions to sport; and many competitions are now reaching their season peak, which makes it so important to focus on recovery methods. One effective method that can be used is hydrotherapy, which ensure adequate restoration and reduces the risk of injury. Hydrotherapy allows for less stress on the muscles and joints; and is an effective form of active recovery after exercise. This involves low impact dynamic movements performed whilst immersed in water and can be done in the pool or at the beach.
This 10-15min session is a great one to try!
Find some water that you can stand in around waist deep. Do each exercise at a slow pace, submerged in the water moving 10 metres up and 10 metres back again.
- Walk forwards
- Walk backwards
- Skip
- Alternating toe touches
- Hamstring sweeps
- High knees
- Butt kicks
- Lateral crossover step
- Hip open the gate 10 metres, hip close the gate 10 metres
- Straight arm shoulder rolls underwater – 10 forward, 10 backward x 5
- 5 minutes treading water – try not to touch the bottom and stay relaxed