News, Students, Study

Tips to Stay Motivated During the Winter Chill

With the temperature dropping, rain falling & winter in full effect, it’s understandable that people often do not prioritise their

Braden Woods

Stay Home – the worldwide movement and the im...

With the outbreak of Covid-19 and the subsequent impact on the economy, the sporting industry in 2020 is facing challenges

Braden Woods
Course, Study

ISCA Trimester Three 2019 High Performance Wrap...

Over the course of the year the students made significant gains in strength, speed, lower limb power and upper body

Braden Woods
Course, Study

ISCA Trimester Two 2019 High Performance Wrap Up

The focus for the ISCA students in trimester 2 was strength and power development to improve athletic performance while introducing

Braden Woods
Course, Event

The Australian Institute of Sport Field Trip

On Monday the 5th August 2019 the ISCA team headed out from Narrabeen down to the Australian Institute of Sport

Braden Woods

A study on youth weight-lifting and development

“With a country so passionate about sport from a young age, it is important that we take the right approach

Braden Woods

Introducing Sarah Mauger, current ISCA student ...

“Having completed more than a year’s study in sport science at University, I found the hands-on practical approach to learning

Braden Woods

ISCA Trimester One 2019 High Performance Wrap Up

With the first trimester at ISCA coming to an end, the high performance unit saw some great development within the

Braden Woods

Why High Performance Matters: Creating a High P...

What is High Performance? High Performance Sport means dealing with elite level sport and all its attributes. The primary goal

Braden Woods